AIMM and the diving center Easydivers organized the event “Limpar Terra e Mar”, an underwater and coastal cleaning action in Albufeira that took place on November 20th. Nothing would be possible without the help and availability of the organizations and local entities partners in this action: Câmara Municipal de Albufeira, Docapesca, Associação dos Profissionais de Pesca de Albufeira, Associação de Pesca Desportiva e Recreativa da Baleeira, Marina de Albufeira, Polícia Marítima de Albufeira, the Bombeiros Voluntários de Albufeira, the Behind The Greens team and participants and Ocean beer, that donated some bottles for the social moment of the day.
AIMM wants to say thank you to the 61 divers and participants who signed up, joined and made this day a success! Together we managed to collect 2 tons of garbage from 3 underwater points and from the area around the marina and fisherman’s harbour. After the clean up action we had a social moment with all the participants, divers, fishermen and partners. Uniting the community by working together and celebrating the success of the action in a beautiful place.
See you on the next one! Until then, keep up the mission to preserve our environment and sea.